The family business started in a very humble beginning. In the 1980's our family sold fine jewelry made by the talented hands of Meycauayan goldsmiths to mostly showbiz clientele. With a lot of hard work equipped with good selling skills, my mother slowly made the business grow. This family business helped sustain the needs of the family and taught us the value of diligence.
In 2011, we had learned the power of social media in helping small entrepreneurs like us to get more customers on a relatively new platform.

The city of Meycauayan is a suburban area which is on the northern part of Metro Manila. The city is small yet rich with ingenious jewelry artists who painstakingly create handcrafted jewelry which are not just prepossesing but also close to perfection.
I am proud to say that the jewelry makers from this small town are one of the most talented in the country. Meycauayan is hailed as the Jewelry capital of the Philippines. Sadly , the industry is slowly dying but with the help of the remaining jewelers here, we won't let that happen. We can still showcase the artwork that awed a lot of people when they see a piece of jewelry made from Meycauayan. It's a lost glory but with venues such as the social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and with the clamor for handcrafted jewelry, Meycauayan is bound to make a comeback as the Mecca of fine handcrafted jewelry in this side of our world.